Mileage Tracker for Android
If you have the need to track mileage across various clients and jobs, Mileage Tracker will meet your needs. With Mileage Tracker users can add unlimited number of mileage entries to be associated with different jobs, while each job is associated with a defined client.
Each mileage entry provides the following options:
- Enter your mileage either by entering a starting odometer reading and ending odometer reading.
- You can also enter mileage by entering the total distance traveled.
- Track the date that the mileage was executed.
- Associate multiple tags to the mileage entry to quickly identify the reason for the trip.
- Additional information about the mileage entry can be captured within the notes field.
Additional features for MileageTracker are:
- Dynamic job states: Active, Billed, Overdue, and Paid.
- Fully functional application without network connections
- Payment management - as customer payments are received, they too can be tracked within Mileage Tracker. These payments as well as due dates can be used to auto calculate job statuses.
- Extensive Reporting capabilities such as Job Details, Client Summaries, and Year to date reports are available. Addition Quick Reports easily allowing the generation of select reports within two screen touches.
- Collected data is able to be exported in a CSV format for import to other applications such as ExcelTM and Quick BooksTM.
- Reports and exported data are able to be emailed WITHOUT requiring additional fees.
- Ability to view reports from the Android device, sorting the data in a variety of ways.
- Tag Management that allows for creation and deletion of tags and tag groups.
- Extensive users guide.
- Backup/Restore to/from SD card and the Cloud to ensure that your data doesn't get lost even if your device does.
Mileage Tracker is a great application for keeping track of mileage that you have travelled while servicing a client. Most applications charge hidden fees through the use of their servers for report generation and billing; not Mileage Tracker. There are no additional charges beyond the purchase price of the application.
If you already have the Mileage Tracker application and you would like to add time tracking or expense tracking capabilities, see the Time Add-On and Expense Add-On items.